Reseña de artículo de Forbes

15 de agosto de 2024

La Golden Visa es una de las opciones de migración más populares entre los colombianos que buscan invertir en el extranjero. Esta visa está dirigida a personas extranjeras que desean ingresar a España con el propósito de realizar una inversión de capital. Al realizar la inversión se puede solicitar un permiso de residencia.  Nuestra socia directora Adriana María Barba, explica en el artículo de Forbes que la Ley permite que los inversores extranjeros que realicen una inversión en España obtener la residencia para ellos y sus familiares (cónyuges e hijos menores), y no están obligados a permanecer en España durante 183 días al año para renovar la residencia.  El único requisito para la renovación es el mantenimiento de la inversión.

¿Quiénes pueden obtener una Golden Visa?

En el caso de España, la persona que puede obtener una autorización o visa como inversor es aquella que ha adquirido una o varias propiedades que sumen un valor total de 500.000 euros o más, 1.000.000 euros en acciones bursátiles o 2.000.000 euros en deuda externa. Estos montos varían para otros países europeos. 

¿Cuál es la duración de la Golden Visa?

El permiso inicial de residencia como inversor tiene una duración de 2 años y permite residir en España legalmente y sin restricciones para viajar, vivir y trabajar. La visa solo requiere que el solicitante viaje al país una vez al año. También otorga total libertad de movimiento en toda la zona Schengen, que incluye la mayoría de los países de la Unión Europea, además de algunos otros.


Después de Estados Unidos, España es el país al que más colombianos buscan emigrar. El idioma, la cercanía con la cultura y la historia compartida hacen que haya vínculos que son muy atractivos para los colombianos.

España sigue siendo una de las principales economías globales. El país ha crecido constantemente por encima de la media europea desde 2015 y es una de las economías de mayor crecimiento de Europa.

¿Quieres saber más acerca del proceso de aplicación por la Golden Visa?  Escríbenos a INFO@VBILC.COM para agendar una consulta. 

Today, we have the pleasure of introducing you to a remarkable individual whose journey in the world of international legal consultancy has been nothing short of inspiring. Meet Manuel Vázquez Utzet, the driving force behind Vázquez & Barba International Legal Consultants, S.L.P. His story is a testament to hard work, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of helping clients invest in their future and achieve their dreams.

The Beginnings of Manuel Vázquez Utzet:

«I am Manuel Vázquez Utzet,» Manuel begins, «Throughout my life, I have always worked in facilitating real estate transactions and legal procedures for people who are ready to invest in their future, to start living the life of their dreams.»

From the very outset, it’s clear that Manuel’s passion lies in assisting individuals and companies in navigating the complex landscape of international legal matters. His dedication to clients’ needs has set him apart and established a foundation for his professional success.

A Unique Approach:

Thanks to his extensive experience, local connections, and international exposure, Manuel offers his clients a unique blend of expertise that combines the quality of service expected from a Big Law firm with the personal touch and closeness of a Family Law firm. At Vázquez & Barba, clients always deal with a single point of contact, eliminating any potential for miscommunication and fostering strong, lasting relationships.

Manuel’s commitment to his clients is unwavering, and he sums it up perfectly: «Let me be your expert advisor; I make it my business to successfully create yours.»

Challenges and Successes:

Reflecting on his journey, Manuel acknowledges the challenges he’s faced but emphasizes his overall success. Since the founding of Vázquez & Barba International Legal Consultants, S.L.P., Manuel has been on a path of continuous growth and achievement. His ability to adapt to the ever-changing landscape of international law has been a crucial factor in his accomplishments.

Vázquez & Barba International Legal Consultants, S.L.P.:

As the Managing Partner of Vázquez & Barba International Legal Consultants, S.L.P., Manuel and his team provide invaluable services to multinational companies and foreign investors with legal and commercial needs in Europe, the US, and Latin America. They develop strategies that address the challenges clients encounter in unfamiliar markets, guiding them from inception to completion while mitigating risks associated with international business endeavors.

Their firm’s exceptional work has earned them recognition as one of the best legal Start-Ups in Spain at the Expansión Awards. Their comprehensive services include real estate transactions, company formation, corporate immigration, commercial registration for international companies, tax analysis for investments in Spain, trademark and patent registration, non-lucrative residence, and assistance with residence in Europe for investors, Digital Nomads, and entrepreneurs.

For more details about Vázquez & Barba International Legal Consultants, S.L.P. and their services, you can visit their website at


Manuel Vázquez Utzet’s journey is a testament to the power of dedication, expertise, and a genuine commitment to helping others succeed. His role at Vázquez & Barba International Legal Consultants, S.L.P. continues to make a profound impact on the world of international legal consultancy, providing clients with the guidance and support they need to turn their dreams into reality. As we look to the future, it’s clear that Manuel’s passion for excellence will drive further success and innovation in the field of international